Modern Slavery POLICY
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It can take various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in other to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
The Employment Management Platform trading as Flexr (“Flexr”) is committed to ensuring that its employees are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and or similar human rights abuses. We are also committed to ensuring that there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains.
This statement sets out Flexr’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to the business and to ensure steps are maintained to prevent both slavery and human trafficking.
Our Business
Flexr provides back office HR and payroll services to umbrella companies and SMEs. Our work involves onboarding employees (including supplying them with a contract of employment and collecting their right to work documentation), processing and running payroll, and dealing with HR and payroll issues/queries through our call centre. We also employ staff involved in the provision of these services.
As an employer we recognise that we have a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking and to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and all the businesses in our supply chain.
All employees of Flexr, are given a contract of employment. They all earn at least minimum wage and have standard employment protections including holiday pay, statutory rights and other benefits. We comply fully with our legal obligations to ensure that the health and safety of all our employees.
Our Supply Chain
We ensure that we only work with reputable umbrella companies and SMEs of which terms of business are in place for each. We ensure that we only work with reputable umbrella companies and SMEs and ensure that relevant documentation for compliant provision of services is always in place.
As we provide HR and payroll services for our customers, we may from time to time become aware of behaviour by our customers which amounts to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and/or similar human rights abuses. In such circumstances we will advise the customer of our findings and, where appropriate, notify the relevant authorities.
Our Process for Managing Risk
In order to assess the risk of modern slavery, we use the following processes:
- Identify and assess potential risk areas when engaging with new businesses;
- Review the potential for risk at regular intervals; and
- Protect whistleblowers.
We have reviewed our policies and procedures to assess their effectiveness in identifying and tackling modern slavery. We have in place systems to:
- Verify employees ID and right to work;
- Ensure our employees operate under a permanent contract of employment with guaranteed income levels, such as National Minimum Wage; and
- Provide statutory rights and pay to all our employees.
The prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery in any part of our business or supply chains is also the responsibility of those working for us or under our control. Employees are required to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy and must notify their manager as soon as possible if they believe of suspect a breach of this policy has occurred.
Identified Risks
After due consideration we believe that we are in a low-risk position and are confident that there is no slavery or human trafficking taking place directly within our organisations or in the supply chains we work in. However, we continue to be alert to the potential for problems.
Policy Compliance
Any employee who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct. We may terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if they breach this policy.

Phone: +44 (0) 3333 110 545
Head Office: +44 (0) 3333 110 445
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5th Floor Hampton By Hilton
42-50 Kimpton Road, Luton
Bedfordshire, LU2 0FP
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